The Benefits of Becoming an Eco-Friendly Business | RapidReg

The Benefits of Becoming an Eco-Friendly Business

A green plant growing out of coins


Over the past couple of years, we’ve seen a lot of buzz around the demand for businesses to become more sustainable. Increasingly, there has been a call for them to take an active role in helping protect the environment and invest in green practices for future generations. 

This doesn’t just go for the big brands - small businesses can do their part and go green too! Adopting more eco-friendly practices doesn’t only help you reduce your environmental impact. It can also strengthen and benefit your business in numerous ways.

Whether your establishment could benefit from going paperless with the help of our online restaurant booking system or you start using more sustainable resources, there are plenty of business-boosting ways to begin the journey to becoming more eco-friendly!


Attract More Customers

One of the most obvious benefits of becoming an eco-friendly business is the potential for attracting more customers. 

As more consumers have greener aspirations in their own lives, they are demanding that businesses live up to the socially-conscious image many are trying to project. 

With 70% of people more likely to opt for a company that is environmentally-conscious, you’ll likely get a boost in business if you show that you are engaging in more sustainable initiatives and practices.

Lots of customers in a cafe

Gain a Competitive Advantage

As an increasing number of people care about the environmental impact of businesses and are vocal when supporting such companies, becoming eco-friendly can also boost your public perception and brand image.

Obviously, becoming more sustainable isn’t just about looks, but looking good doesn't hurt!

By showing that you are genuinely committed to making a change, you are also giving yourself an edge and putting yourself ahead of competitors who aren’t proving themselves in the same way.

Reducing Costs

Actually implementing more sustainable practises is a great way of reducing everyday costs for your business.

Recycling, reducing and reusing materials and resources are tenants of going green, but being more mindful about these kinds of things can also help you save money in the long run.

Finding ways to minimise your energy usage will also help reduce your energy bills - a bonus for both you and the environment.

A painted green hand holding a green leaf

Be a Part of Broader Changes

When you commit to doing what you can to become more eco-friendly, you also inspire others to be part of a wider change. By leading the community by example, you can start making a real difference and show where your priorities lie. 

Initiatives like our partnership with The Billion Trees Project can help make that first step to becoming eco-friendly even more enticing. By working with this project, it means that when you ditch paper and opt for using contactless forms instead, a tree is planted on your behalf every time a form is submitted!

Thinking of going paperless as part of your commitment to being a more environmentally-conscious business? Find out how RapidReg’s all-in-one solution to streamlining contactless registration can help you!

To read more about reducing your impact on the planet, take a look at our blog on why carbon neutrality is important for small businesses

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Internet Services

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Offering Restaurants an efficient, secure and contactless solution to Feedback, Lead Generation, Online Booking, Track and Trace, Venue Check-In and so much more.
Registration forms for Yoga Teachers

Yoga Teachers

Offering Yoga Teachers an efficient, secure and contactless solution to Feedback, Lead Generation, Online Booking, Open Day Registration, Venue Check-In, Webinar Registration and so much more.

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RapidReg was born out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our background in productivity technology for the events industry meant that our client base was hit very hard. We really wanted to use our skills and experience to help other business owners who have also been hit hard. RapidReg is our way of giving back to those who are ready to push their business forward in the face of adversity.

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