How to Keep Customers Engaged During Lockdown | RapidReg

How to Keep Customers Engaged During Lockdown

A closed business storefront during COVID-19

Lockdown is a challenging time for many of us, but particularly for small, local businesses. However, all hope is not lost! Discover these simple things you can do right now to support your return once lockdown is lifted.

Keep Customers Updated

The first thing all businesses should be looking to do at this time is provide the latest information. With so much noise on social media when it comes to COVID-19, customers appreciate clear, concise information from businesses.
If your business is still open, make it clear what the rules are regarding any visits. Do people have to wear a mask? Is it appointments only? Being straightforward will avoid any uncomfortable situations for you and your customers.
If your business has been forced to close due to lockdown restrictions, you must keep customers updated with the latest information, including potential re-opening dates.

Promotions & Giveaways

The last year has seen many people locked in their homes, unable to do the things they want to do. However, it’s also allowed people to reprioritise in various ways. Research has shown that customers are now more conscious than ever before about who they do business with, with a growing desire to support struggling SMEs and local businesses.
A great way to keep that momentum going during lockdown is to keep customers excited with online promotions and giveaways. Even something small like giving a 10% discount to returning customers after lockdown can be enough to keep your business in the minds of eager customers.

Answer Any Questions

Many businesses now have some online presence, such as social media, where customers can get in touch. If people do come to you with a question, it can be beneficial to answer them, letting them know that you’re still there to help.
The two main things to consider when interacting with customers during this time, whether that’s online, by phone or another way, are honesty and humanity.
Most people will understand if you don’t have all the answers at this time when everything’s changing so fast, so be open about that and don’t try to fill in gaps where they don’t exist. Also, don’t be afraid to show a little humanity during this time – we’re all in the same boat in many ways, which can help you build a togetherness with your customers.


A person with a mask walking by a closed small business

Provide Joy

This point should apply at all times, but especially right now! With so much news out there, most of it negative, people are becoming especially receptive to businesses spreading joy during this time.
Putting together a heartfelt message for customers over social media or email (or maybe even an old-fashioned letter) can let them know that you’re thinking of them which, in turn, gets them thinking about you! 

If you’re stuck at home like everyone else, share what you’re doing with your customers online, especially if it’s relevant to your business. For example, if you’re a baker, sharing videos of your at-home creations can get people inspired to join in, generating momentum for when you can open shop again.

How to Connect with Your Customers

There are many ways for businesses to engage with customers, but not all of them are effective. There’s no point in putting a video on your social media if your customers aren’t going to see it!
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